Lost in a Maze: Love Tarot Spread and Downloadable PDF Sometimes it seems like nothing goes right. Dry spells extend like a desert for as far as you can see. Fights fade into the heartbroken silence of isolation. The sobs of a breakup grimace into glimpses of hope as taunts
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Tarot Suit of Pentacles in Love Readings
Suit of Pentacles in Love Readings: Foundations, Abundance, Commitment Golden coins, the emblem of the tarot Suit of Pentacles, represent money, but also anything solid, tangible, and real. The Suit of Pentacles in the tarot symbolizes security, stability, safety, dedication, discipline, steady progress, and long-lasting commitment. Earth is the elemental
Rackham Tarot Review: Fairy Tale Romance
The Arthur Rackham Tarot Deck Review: Yielding to Dreams Walking along an overgrown path in a dense, shadowy forest, the heavy scent of blossoms pulls you down into an unsettled sleep. Sprawled unconscious along the reaching roots, the petaled bower above enticingly frames an area of dark emptiness. This opening
Tarot Suit of Cups in Love Readings
Suit of Cups in Love Readings: Emotions, Imagination, Love The golden chalices of the Tarot Suit of Cups overflow in abundance, love, and harmony. The Suit of Cups in the tarot represents love, relationships, emotions, intuition, imagination, connecting, and pleasure. The Cups suit corresponds to the element water, which is
Tarot Suit of Swords in Love Readings
Suit of Swords in Love Readings: Communication, Conflict, and Peace Cold steel blades cut and pierce. The Suit of Swords in the tarot represents conflict, loss, futility, and troubles. The Suit of Swords correlates to the element air, which signifies the mind, the intellect, thoughts, choices, versatility, decisions, and communication.