Suit of Pentacles in Love Readings: Foundations, Abundance, Commitment
Golden coins, the emblem of the tarot Suit of Pentacles, represent money, but also anything solid, tangible, and real. The Suit of Pentacles in the tarot symbolizes security, stability, safety, dedication, discipline, steady progress, and long-lasting commitment. Earth is the elemental correspondence of the tarot pentacles, reminding us that these cards indicate the foundation upon which we build. They are firm, reliable, and strong. The tarot Suit of Pentacles represents both the seed and the harvest. As the seed, it is the small, round, valuable token that is placed in the earth, in exchange for which we receive, after work and time, abundant proceeds. Tarot pentacles also represent the harvest, the final physical object that results from our efforts. This crop can be collected and stored to sustain us through the winter and other difficult times. Because these precious coins are lasting and consistent, they represent commitment and longevity. When you see the tarot Suit of Pentacles in love readings, your relationship focus is on security, prosperity, and commitment. See all my posts on Tarot Cards Love Meanings!
Tarot Pentacles for Foundations
As the element earth, the tarot pentacles express the restful anchor of terra firma. The Suit of Pentacles represents our sense of stability, security, and safety. Our feet are on solid ground, we know what we have and what we need. This is the perfect place to start because we feel protected and grounded! Tarot pentacles are rooted enough to feel slow moving. They might seem boring, but when you see these engraved disks in your reading, you know that your patience will be rewarded. When the tarot pentacles show up in your love reading, they invite you to focus on getting real, taking it slow, and building a strong foundation from which you can grow.
Tarot Pentacles for Abundance
Because gold coins are one of the most common symbols for the tarot Suit of Pentacles, these cards represent money. They can show you how you’re rich and what parts of your life reveal lack. The pentacles are seeds that can be planted in order to yield generous returns on your investment. Tarot pentacles show us when to save and when to share. When a handful of coins shows up in your love reading, it’s time to invest in your future. Insist on a life where work, home, and assets are secure. Find a noble partner who treats you like royalty.
Tarot Pentacles for Commitment
The Suit of Pentacles symbolizes steadfastness. They don’t change, fade, or flee. With these metal disks under your feet, you are stalwart, unaffected by the ups and downs of life. At this point, you prefer comfort to excitement. You have complete trust in yourself, the world, and your partner. Pentacles cards let you know you’re ready to settle down. When you lay down the tarot Suit of Pentacles in love readings, you can feel safe and secure knowing your partner will stick around for the long-term. The tarot pentacles are as solid as a rock. Put that rock on a ring, because you’re ready to commit!
Tarot Pentacles Court Cards
The tarot pentacles court cards are astrology’s earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. The King of Coins never wavers as the dependable, stubborn, sensuous Taurus. The Knight of Coins shows up promptly as the slow and steady, detail-oriented, and supportive Virgo. The Queen of Coins plots out her rise to power as the driven, career-oriented Capricorn, building every rung of her ladder as she climbs it. The court cards of the tarot Suit of Pentacles are reliable, dependable, trustworthy, and committed. What you see is what you get. And you’ll get it over and over because the plodding pentacles never falter.
Tarot Suit of Pentacles in Love Readings Card by Card
You can put it all together when the supportive Suit of Pentacles weighs down your spread. We’ll work through the love interpretations one at a time for the cards of the tarot Suit of Pentacles.
Ace of Pentacles
Aces are new beginnings and pentacles represent the element earth, so this new thing is stable and lasting. The Ace of Pentacles can be a seed to plant, so think carefully about when and where to plant it. The development of the Ace of Pentacles unfolds slowly. Be patient with it. It might be slow, but it is certain to grow.
Two of Pentacles
The Two of Pentacles represents keeping your balance, setting the wheels in motion, or juggling two things. When the Two of Pentacles shows up, you might need to put your efforts towards maintaining two things at once, such as two jobs, or work and school. It can also indicate balancing two relationships: your parents and your kids, your lover and your family, or more than one romantic partner!
Three of Pentacles
I call the Three of Pentacles the “Master Craftsman.” This card represents your greatest skills and talents. In relationship spreads, this card can indicate that you have the ability to make this work: use your strengths. When this card shows up about where or how to meet someone, it often reminds us to follow our own hobbies, especially crafty ones or work we do with our hands. You just might meet your match in the hobby store or at a group dedicated to your interest.
Four of Pentacles
The Four of Pentacles represents a conservative approach, budgeting, or playing your cards close to your vest. Hold on to what you have. In relationship readings, it might indicate that you’re better off staying put for now. You need to build your own foundation so that you’re secure when you step away. Conversely, the Four of Pentacles can remind you that you don’t need anything fancy, just the basics. This foundation is strong enough to build on.
Five of Pentacles
You are low on resources when you draw the Five of Pentacles. Whether that’s money, support, trust, or time, it feels like it’s not enough. When the Five of Pentacles creeps into your relationship readings, you are asked to explore what constitutes the basics. You are asked to let go of things that don’t support you or that slow you down. This card can also encourage you to explore your trust issues. The best place to start is learning to trust yourself. The next step is letting go and falling into the arms of someone strong enough to catch you.
Learn more about the Five of Pentacles on my blog Completely Joyous.
Six of Pentacles
Common meanings for the Six of Pentacles are generosity and the equality of give and take. Most of the time when this card appears in a relationship reading, it indicates that this equal exchange must be maintained. If you’re doing all the giving, learn to receive. If your partner is selfish, teach them to share to make life easier. When the Six of Pentacles indicates a future partner, it will be one who is generous, willing to share in both the good and bad, and who will lift your burden from you.
Seven of Pentacles
The Seven of Pentacles advises patience. It represents waiting for the harvest. However, this card presents an important timing consideration. When the opportunity presents itself, you must be prepared to act. You’re not just resting: this downtime is spent at the front of the line. You’re next, so don’t wander away. It is in our power to avoid lost chances. When in a relationship spread, the Seven of Pentacles says, not yet. But don’t give up either.
Eight of Pentacles
The Eight of Pentacles indicates slow, steady progress. Make your checklist and complete your tasks one at a time. This card illustrates steady work, your daily habits, or learning a new skill. For artists and entrepreneurs, it addresses your bread-and-butter income. When the Eight of Pentacles turns up in a love reading, it advises us that slow and steady wins the race. As a partner, the Eight of Pentacles is reliable, if a little predictable. As advice, this card lets us know that simple routines are the best way to proceed. Meet weekly for coffee, same time, same place. You’re playing the long game.
Nine of Pentacles
The woman in the Nine of Pentacles is safe and protected in a walled garden. She has all the resources she needs. Her environment is comfortable and luxurious. She is happy and feels beautiful. But the Nine of Pentacles shows a woman alone. This is a great card for feeling blessed and having everything you need. But it also says that this state is best achieved by yourself. If you’re in a relationship, for now it’s up to you to fulfill your own needs. If you’re not in a relationship, focus on yourself, not finding a partner. What to do? This card is great for gardening, remodeling or redecorating, and creating beautiful things.
Ten of Pentacles
The Ten of Pentacles indicates wealth and prosperity. It’s a great card for buying a home, particularly a large home or an upgrade from your current digs. The Ten of Pentacles can indicate extended family, multiple generations, and inheritances. When it shows up you have everything you need and plenty to spare. Remember to share the love.
Page of Pentacles
The Page of Pentacles lacks confidence in issues of trust. He might be trying to test out his own sense of security, but often doesn’t have good examples to guide him. If this card comes up to represent you or your partner, it shows taking baby steps towards any pentacles meanings, such as stability, foundations, abundance, or commitment.
Knight of Pentacles
As a rule I don’t like Knights for relationship readings because they are too flighty and don’t stay put long. However, the Knight of Pentacles is one knight who truly wants to grow something, even if he’s at the beginning of the process and might be up against a steep learning curve. The Knight of Pentacles takes things in slow, incremental steps, but he is moving forward.
Queen of Pentacles
The Queen of Pentacles is relaxed and secure. She sees the vast vista of how things will develop, like a vintner looking down at the valley of vines in the barren winter and knowing exactly what the fall harvest will be. Her ability to see the entire structure and growth of an enterprise makes her a savvy businessperson. She doesn’t take too many risks, but her caution guides her to build it to last. In love readings, the Queen of Pentacles focuses on safety, commitment, and trust. Without this basic foundation, other relationship aspects fade away.
King of Pentacles
The King of Pentacles is strong and stable. He might be rich, or he might simply be a good steward of money, having little debt and living satisfyingly within his means. He likes to be comfortable in his body, which might mean laid-back in the La-Z-Boy. On the other hand, it might mean he’s always building muscle and working his core. He is practical and level-headed, preferring to deal with what’s right in front of him. His love is straightforward and loyal. The King of Pentacles brings his quiet commitment to relationship spreads. He’s already made up his mind: he’s here to stay.