Suit of Swords in Love Readings: Communication, Conflict, and Peace
Cold steel blades cut and pierce. The Suit of Swords in the tarot represents conflict, loss, futility, and troubles. The Suit of Swords correlates to the element air, which signifies the mind, the intellect, thoughts, choices, versatility, decisions, and communication. The tarot Suit of Swords represents overthinking, overanalyzing, stuck in your head, and the constant chatter that precludes peace. Worse still, this agitation leads to stress and anxiety, additional keywords for the Suit of Swords. However, the sharp point of the blade, its ability to cut and shape, and its usefulness to defend and protect add positive layers to this suit. Swords represent focus, clarity, precision, and justice. When you draw the tarot Suit of Swords in love readings, it’s time to get clear about what you want, talk it out, and make a decision.
Swords for the Mind
Swords come to a point. They embody sharp thinking and piercing insight. Swords represent the search for information and knowledge. Swords people express consideration and balance, carefully weighing all sides of an argument before pronouncing their judgment. Sometimes this carefulness can weigh them down, and they spiral into uncertainty, worry, and doubt. When Swords cards overwhelm your tarot love reading, it’s time to turn fear into fact. Research, detective work, and direct lines of inquiry are your best bets to quiet your mind and bring clarity to your concerns. Swords point out that it’s better to know the truth.
Swords for Communication
The tarot Swords love to chatter, converse, debate, gossip, and interrogate. They love learning new things, seeing fresh perspectives, and hearing alternative beliefs. Swords represent communication, particularly styles that are intelligent, fast-paced, quick-witted, incisive, and purposeful. On the other hand, the Suit of Swords is not touchy-feely, warm, or fuzzy. The purpose of Swords-style conversation is to convey information, not to connect emotionally. This can be frustrating, especially in love relationships, when romance requires whispered sweet nothings. Swords people are more likely to say as you walk out the door, “Get cat food on the way home” than “I love you, my darling.” The good news is that if they understand that communicating about emotions is important, they bring an analytical bent to their inner workings and share what they are feeling. It won’t make your heart go pitter-patter. But we’d be lost without the ability to talk.
Swords for Both Conflict and Peace
Swords separate. The sharp blade penetrates and cleaves. Whether it is through hurtful words or actions, the tarot Suit of Swords tears us apart. There is a loftiness and distance, as well as an elegant finesse, in the Suit of Swords. Swords fights are not clunky, clumsy fisticuffs — such shenanigans are under the purview of the Suit of Wands. The refined swords indicate conflicting ideals, strategic plans, precise incursions, and gloating victories. As a result, the Suit of Swords also indicates peace. The irony is that targeted ploys resulting from intelligent analysis bring justice to unfair situations. Swords cut both ways, maintaining balance. The double-edged blade symbolizes equality. As you examine the imagery of the Swords cards, note when there is balance and rest, and when imbalance indicates unresolved issues. Swords in your love readings can announce clashes, sometimes their resolution, and often their aftermath.
Tarot Swords Court Cards
The astrological air signs of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are the representatives of the Suit of Swords court cards. The Queen of Swords is Libra, the King of Swords is Aquarius, and the Knight of Swords is Gemini. The air signs are expressive, adaptable, equitable, and intelligent. They are fair-minded and value working in groups and maintaining partnerships.
Tarot Suit of Swords in Love Readings Card by Card
The Suit of Swords brings directness and mental dexterity to your readings. Following is the love interpretation for each of the Swords cards.

Ace of Swords
All Aces represent new beginnings, so that’s a relief! The Ace of Swords represents clarity and focus. What is the most important focus for you right now? In a love reading, it might mean to choose just one. Since swords cut, the Ace of Swords can, less frequently, advise cutting away or letting something go.
Two of Swords
The Two of Swords is titled “Peace Restored,” bringing us back into balance and equilibrium after a difficult time. The Two of Swords offers equality. Partnership is desired if both parties contribute equally. Swords indicate facts, but this card is ruled by the intuitive moon, so it reminds us that when we can’t see the facts, we must rely on our intuition.
Three of Swords
What is the cause of your sadness? Is the relationship the cause, or is there an underlying source that must be healed before you can truly engage with a partner? The best advice for the Three of Swords is to feel the hurt. It is the pain of cutting yourself loose from imbalanced relationships.

Four of Swords
The Four of Swords is titled “Rest from Strife.” This card represents withdrawing for the purpose of resting and healing. Take some time off to regain your equilibrium. The more you focus on your own needs, the more likely it will be Prince(ss) Charming who kisses you awake! Alternatively, this card can indicate that you will receive communication via dreams.
Five of Swords
Fives are conflict and Swords are communication, so this card recommends talking about your problems. I find this to be a positive card in relationship spreads because it indicates that you are able to express your needs, stand up for yourself, and confront your partner. Don’t hold it in; say what’s on your mind.
Six of Swords
The Six of Swords is a card for achievement. It also is about traveling to a place where you can heal and rejuvenate to come back stronger. For example, the Six of Swords can recommend that you and your partner (or just you?) take a vacation, attend a retreat, or run off for the weekend. As the classic “travel over water” card, it can represent both short trips (I often see it come up for commuting), as well as foreign travel.
Read about the astrology of Six of Swords on Completely Joyous.

Seven of Swords
I call this the “lying-cheating-stealing” card. If you draw this card, consider if someone could be misleading you. Also examine your own thinking — are you perhaps failing to be honest with yourself? Hidden agendas may be at play. Most often, I see this card come up for a person or situation that is draining your energy.
Read about the astrology of Seven of Swords on Completely Joyous.
Eight of Swords
The Eight of Swords indicates being stuck or constrained, with excessive demands, responsibilities, and stresses closing in on you. Frequently, this is the result of too many ideas or too many people. If this card shows up in a relationship reading, consider where the feeling of limitation is coming from. Other people’s imposed requirements? Your own negative thoughts or beliefs? Or your partner? On the other hand, your body may be bound but your mind is free to plan your escape. Use it.
Nine of Swords
Sleeplessness, worry, and despair define the Nine of Swords. This card represents all the stresses that are hanging over your head. If you’ve been having trouble sleeping, get a good night’s rest and see how it looks by the light of day. However, if the card is not literal, it’s time to address the negativity in your life. Look to the other cards in the spread or perform a separate reading to uncover the source of the worry and what to do about it. It’s your duty to repair the holes in the bucket before filling it at the spring of hope.
Ten of Swords
The Ten of Swords is anxiety, depression, and excessive stress. If these come from your relationship, you might ask yourself if it’s worth it. If the source is external and negatively impacts your relationship, deal with it immediately. Then return your efforts to developing your relationship when you can approach it from a place of balance.

Page of Swords
The Page of Swords is always looking over his shoulder at someone else. Is this you or your partner? Never satisfied, he’s always looking for the next new thing. The card can also represent spying, research, or detective work. Get the facts straight before voicing your concerns.
Knight of Swords
The Knight of Swords gallops into your life with his weapon raised. In literary symbolism that’s a metaphor for sex! He’ll bring excitement and fun, but he won’t stick around. If you’re looking for something serious, look elsewhere. If a quickie is all you have time for, go for it!
Queen of Swords
The Queen of Swords is partner-oriented. She craves equality and loves connecting with others. She is fair and balanced in her decisions, but can take a long time to make a choice because she must carefully weigh every option. Unless she can just take both. More than anything the Queen of Swords wants to pair up with her complement.
King of Swords
The King of Swords is intelligent, visionary, and idealistic. He thinks outside the box. He’s the idea person. He’s not so great at taking care of the details and is more likely to hand down his decrees from on high so he doesn’t have to get his hands dirty. But he oversees the whole operation with an eagle’s eye view. You can stay up all night talking with him about any subject. But when it comes to emotions, he intellectualizes them. He can say that he loves you, but it’s a statement of fact, not something that you feel coming from his heart. If you understand that, you can accept all he has to offer.

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