The Frog Prince: Love Tarot Spread

Reading time: 4 minutes

The Frog Prince: Love Tarot Spread and Downloadable PDF

A woman kisses a frog who wears a tiny golden crown. Use The Frog Prince: Love Tarot Spread to determine if you should kiss your frog or toss him against the wall!

Once upon a time, when wishing still did some good, people found love even in the most isolated conditions. At least, this is the story told to us in the form of The Frog King. Our tarot blog hop wrangler, Jay Cassels of Sacred Healing, assigned us the topic of fables. What better love fable than the story of the Princess and the Frog? Most of us have something in our lives that we dread, be it work, chores, clingy friends, or that dopey person who keeps trying to hang around us. The Frog Prince: Love Tarot Spread helps you examine why we prickle to this thing, how to respond to it, and the best it could become if we give it a chance.


Position 1: The Disgusting Frog

In the fairy tale, the lonely princess goes out to a well in the forest. She tosses her golden ball up and catches it, a brief amusement in her sheltered life. When she drops her ball in the well, an ugly old frog offers to retrieve it for her, in exchange for her taking him home to the castle she lives in with her father.

The frog represents the thing you dread. Or more specifically, exactly what about it you loathe so. This is the worst of the person, event, or activity you are asking about. Sometimes taking a good hard honest look at something you don’t like helps take the edge off it.

Position 2: Kiss Him or Throw Him Against the Wall?

The disgusting frog sits at the table beside the princess, eats from her golden plate and drinks from her golden cup. As repulsed as she is, she follows the admonishment of her father to repay the kindness of old water-plopper. But she can’t take it anymore when the frog insists on sharing her beautiful, clean bed. She hates him so much she throws him bang! against the wall. At least, this is the way the original story unfolds. No kiss here! And guess what — the frog hits the wall and falls into her bed as a handsome prince with beautiful friendly eyes.

Position 2 represents your best course of action in responding to the loathsome thing. Do you accept it with a kiss? Or does it repel you so much that your only recourse is to throw it against the wall? The card you pull in this position will advise you which route to take.

Schedule an appointment with Joy Vernon Astrology * Tarot * Reiki and find out is love in the cards — or the stars! — for you! All services are offered via phone or webcam.

Position 3: The Handsome Prince

Not only does the ungrateful princess end up with her dear companion and husband, she is carried back to civilization. The prince and his servant drive her to his castle. The servant is so happy that his master has been saved that the iron bands of sadness around his heart burst open. By accepting the handsome prince, the princess not only gets her own generous, perhaps even undeserved, reward, but her actions free others from their shackles.

The card that turns up in this position will let you know the very best that can come from confronting — for better or worse — the thing you currently abhor.

The Frog Prince: Love Tarot Spread Downloadable PDF

If you’d like to download and print this spread, click on the image to open a pdf. This spread works with a variety of questions, not just love quandaries! Keep it in your tarot journal and use it whenever you need to explore whether any difficulty in your life is worth the hassle.

Click the image to open a pdf you can download! The Frog Prince: Love Tarot Spread


Author: Joy Vernon

Joy Vernon is an astrologer and tarot reader in Burien, Washington. Formerly, she served as the Organizer of the Denver Tarot Meetup and Denver Tarot Geeks, and now runs the Greater Seattle Tarot Meetup. She is passionate about teaching others to read tarot for themselves to bring clarity and guidance to their lives. Joy started Tarot in Love to share everything she's learned about love in the cards from her decades of work as a professional reader. Over the past ten years, Joy has published more than 250 free articles on tarot, astrology, qabalah, Reiki, and meditation on her other blog Completely JoyousSchedule a reading to see her philosophies in action.

5 thoughts on “The Frog Prince: Love Tarot Spread

  1. Thank you for the spread! Must try to come back to that one day. As for a journal; not tried to keep one for the past decade or so… find I cannot dedicate time to it daily with the ankle bitters now patting me on the head! (Well, one of them can anyway!)

    1. Yes, I admit I don’t keep up a journal as much as I used to, although I still find my old journals very helpful and often look things up in them. That alone should be the impetus to continue the practice, but alas.

  2. Wow, love how you have combined story telling and tarot spreads into one. I’ve said it before already but I am very grateful to have crossed your path, and not in the celtic cross kind of way 🙂

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